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Descriptive Poems

My name is an enigma, very hard to pronounce.
I’m normal sized for someone whose age is above five and below fifteen.
I have hair that is just below my shoulders and I have a lot of ginger in my hair with dashes of blonde and black. If you look closer you can see a faded red.
I crave chocolate whenever anyone mentions it.
I just love the glorious taste of sushi.
I would describe my face as a tanned Maori girl.
I have hazelnut eyes and my nose is flat like my dad’s.
By Ariana-Jade-Maihi-Marder

A Poem!!!!

My name is famous,
I am a lolly lover and A chocolate freak.
In A candy store you better chain me up because if let me spot a lollypop its game over for you!!!!!
Give me A ball I will smash it every day.
Animal lover, my cat purrs in my ear when I collapse on my bed.
I’m Frivolous jumping and hopping up in the air.
I’m A giggler breaking down on the warm lino still laughing around the carpet.


My name is an enigma to others.
I’m normal height not out of ordinary.
Sometimes I might say something frivolous and totally unnecessary.
I’m a drama queen, a unique one too.
Sweet tooth, in a lolly shop you’ll find me.

I am a dancing princess
But I have a heart of warmth and fun.

I sprout exuberantly like a new plant growing in the sun.

Ruler of the house I am dangerous and daring

I love the people in my family
I am always caring.

Next time I am here and my dimples appear
Will you remember my name?


I’m a normal girl in a normal world,
I’ve got a few nicknames like Nutella,
I’m quite bubbly, sporty too.
I really admire macaroni cheese,
I’m not that tall but I’m still a kiwi full of fun.
My sport is soccer, I love tackling.
I’m a very unquite pretty girl,
I am blossoming like a rose, with freckles on my nose.
I’m a kiwi of New Zealand I’ll all ways be part of 
the world.


Frivolous but with etiquette and full of sympathy for  others
A clown in a crowd
A cat in a fight a evil vamp
One in a million chocoholic in a candy store anytime
Alert but lazy
Mischievous gremlin
The lolly of the family 

My poem
I’m an average boy I blend in to a crowd
I like attention but I don’t get much.
I am a naturalist and I’ll go to a forest any time of the day.
I’m fishing mad, I’ll go set up my tackle
box anytime, anywhere.
I’ve got deep blue eyes like a harbour on a calm day.
In the garage I’ll work for a week on fishing lures or machines.
I’m a sporty boy, give me a ball and a bat and I will play for a year.
Next time I’m in a crowd will you pick me out?